I don't know what's been up with me lately, perhaps the stress of being a new home "owner," but holy shit-snacks am I off my game.
There's been the difficulty posting, of course, but I think that is just truly that I'm crazy busy. It's other things, more subtle changes. I'm ridiculously irritable and critical and constantly exhausted. My back is so tense that it feels like its curly around and slowly crushing my spine into powder, so that feels awesome (read: excruciatingly painful).I do have a lot going on with trying to get a house that's been vacant for a year ready for the spring/summer, trying to get my pup to adjust to his new living arrangement - he's not eating, hooray! - and keeping up with my new-ish job at which I am vastly underpaid, so it makes sense that I'm worn down. But it just feels like more than that.
He loves the yard, but he keeps looking for Beau!
For starters, there's the exhaustion. What the hell is that? I've been doing P90x3 without a problem for about 2 and a half months now, and all of a sudden, the past 2 weeks I can't seem to get my ass out of bed to do it. And I usually love it! I always feel good when I'm done, even if I feel like dying during, and it gives me energy throughout the day. I can tell my body is in much better condition. But now my energy seems to ooze out of my body and into the mattress so that I can't move. As a result, I've only been working out every other day - though I double up - which exacerbates the exhaustion. Plus, I've been feeling really good about myself lately, really comfortable in my body because it functions so much better now. But the past couple of days I can't see myself in the mirror without experiencing some disgust. It's disheartening, but mostly it's weird.
Help me, Tony Horton! You're my only hope! |
And you'd think, wouldn't you, that with Husband and Moose and I all finally settled in and living in the same place, OUR place, I'd be ecstatic, right? But no, I'm snappy and a little mean right now. God bless Husband for being so laid back and tolerant of me. God bless Moose for being happy and loving all the time - hooray dogs!
We really need some better photos together. |
I don't know what the problem is, but I suspect it's that thing I posted about in Fall. You know, how the
changing seasons can fuck up your mental state? It's the right time of year, and the right level of irrational melancholy. I'm really focusing on that information so that I can remember not to get too worked up over my emotional state. To be a good friend, wife, pet mom, employee, etc., in spite of how I might feel moment to moment. Because the truth is, I love my life and everyone in it. Things are pretty damn awesome right now, and I will survive this obnoxious seasonal sadness. And I'll kick ass doing it, as I usually do.
Plus, my allergies are killing. You're beautiful and yet, you must DIE!
Anyone else having an oddly unpleasant spring? Let me know in the comments and we can commisurate together! You know what they say about misery and company... Better yet, I'll reply with something funny or happy to cheer you up, and don't forget to check the Daily Smile feature anytime you need that!