Should you be inclined to contact me for some reason, there are several ways for you to do so!
1) I love to receive emails, so if you have a longer or private message, please feel free to contact me this way. You can also subscribe to the blog via email - sign up is in the side bar - so you get automatic updates with I post. My email is:
2) My Blogger profile is linked in the side bar should you want to follow me that way, or you can use Google+. Although I post very rarely, I'm making an effort to update everything more often: Google+!
3) I'm also on Twitter! I'll admit that I also rarely tweet, but it still happens sometimes and I'm going to try to get in the habit of at least tweeting whenever I post. So if you want to tweet back at me or follow me for posting updates, here I am: Twitter!
4)I've recently started using Instagram! If you follow me there, you'll typically see my Daily Smile pics before they become Daily Smile posts, upon which you can comment if you want to talk to me, as well as other random incidents from my daily life including my workouts. I apologize in advance: Instagram!
5) Facebook is probably the place I update most and would most readily see your message. I update it whenever I publish a new post, as well as random other links or bits of news I find interesting or funny. Facebook, therefore, has it's own special tab at the top, but you can access here as well: Facebook!
6) Finally, if you don't want to go through all the trouble of clicking a link, I get updated anytime someone comments on one of my posts, and I usually respond to comments. I always respond to questions, should you have one. So commenting directly on a post is probably the easiest way to reach me.
I look forward to hearing from you, lovely readers!
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