11. What is your most embarrassing memory?
This sound very similar to #7 from the previous entry, but I'll give it a shot. As I've said before, I have a pretty terrible memory and also just tend to let go of embarrassing moment quickly. Which is interesting because I hold onto other things (grudges!) like a vice, although I'm working on it. A lot of what I covered in the final installment of my abuse series used to be really embarrassing, but since we've already covered it I owe you guys another story. How about my high school nose bleed? I was taking AP Calculus at the time (not to brag but I'm totally bragging) and the teacher did not care for me. Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances beyond my control (donating blood) I had nearly passed out in her class twice and she was kind of tired of me missing stuff. I guess. So one day, for the first and only time in my life, I got a nose bleed - in her class. We were prepping for the AP exam, and I felt something drip onto my shirt. When I looked down, I saw blood. Weird that I felt blood hitting my chest but not dripping from my nose, right? Anyway, I put 2 and 2 together (see? I'm great at math!) and pulled some tissue from my purse to clean my face. With my nose still covered, I raised my hand and asked to go to the restroom because I had a nosebleed. That was the truly embarrassing part. I don't know why a nosebleed was so humiliating to me, but I really did not want to admit to having one in front of everybody, including a boy I liked. The teacher acquiesced, but walked to meet me at the door and stopped me there. "Really?" she asked. In shock that she could think I was lying standing there in my blood covered shirt - and also, why? Why would I lie? I was doing well in that class and did well on the exam. It's why I never had to take math again, even through 2 degrees! - I just mutely moved the tissue so she could see more blood, and she let me pass. I kept that shirt for a long time afterward. It was a Christian themed shirt and had paintball stains and blood stains, which was kind of bad ass to me.
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(source) Looks just like me! |
Okay, I'm going to cheat this one a little. Notice it says permanently use and AOL e-mail, not exclusively use. So I'm claiming I could keep my AOL e-mail forever, but also use my gmail, meaning I choose the later option because IE is just the worst. Honestly, even if I hadn't found this loophole, my decision would be the same. And I really like the new IE ads! But I just can't do it, man.
Seriously, that's adorable! I want to watch that show, but I still won't use that browser.
No contest man, OWL. Owls are predators. They're also kind of jerks, but I want to be a hunter, not part of scenic park walk. Plus, ducks have super messed up sex lives.
That video is so NSFW, but it is hilarious so watch it anyway. Fair warning, you will see duck penises and vaginas and there is talk about duck rape. NO THANK YOU. I'll be an owl.
14. What do you love about yourself most?
Love seems like such a strong, odd word to use in relation to myself. It sound so motivational poster-y, "LOVE yourself!" I guess I would say that I strongly like how open-minded I've become. I grew up in a conservative Christian household, with all the backwards thinking that usually entails. Over the past decade, I've been exposed to life and research enough to change my attitude about a lot of things. I'm a supporter of marriage equality and women's reproductive rights (men's reproductive right too, but those don't get attacked). I'm a feminist and an Elizabeth Warren fan. I basically became the worst thing you could be in my family: a liberal. Not totally, I'm still conservative about some things (primarily financial), and I am still a Christian, although my understanding of Christianity has changed. For instance, I think only evolution and not creationism should be taught in schools. I also believe global warming is real and that we as a people, and Christians in particular, are called upon to care for our planet. And we should start sex education sooner, it should NOT be abstinence only, and should be legally required to be medically accurate (not required in most states right now).
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Easily the hardest question so far! How can I possibly choose? They're all so good! And I'm not super picky about my cheese delivery system. I guess... if you really press me... I'd choose Puffs. Because Flaming Hot aren't really cheese flavored and I need my cheese. And there is something so fun to me about crushing those Puffs in my mouth. Anybody else?
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11. To be honest, probably something I did when I was drunk. Thankfully I don't remember most of the times I got so drunk I embarrassed myself, and Todd loves me too much to be honest about it. lol!
ReplyDelete12. I'll go with AOL, because I never had one so I'm not sure how bad that really could be. It would just be a little embarrassing to have to tell people I have AOL. But using IE would directly ruin my life. I don't use my email all that much, so even if AOL does suck, meh. At least the rest of the internet still works correctly.
13. Owl. Super silent, huge eyes, swively head. Win, win, win.
14. Mmmm... My boobies. I may have gained about 30lbs in the past 4 years, but I got some nice boobs out of it.
15. If this is going to be a "only one for the rest of your life" sort of situation, I'll go with regular Cheetos. They're the most versatile. Sometimes the puffs are too puffy, and I don't always want something super spicy. I always forget how much I love regular Cheetos until I have one again. Suddenly the bag's empty and I'm sad because no more Cheetos.
And, if you have to use email for work, they usually provide you with one, so it'd never come up if you didn't want it to! I haven't had any form of Cheetos is so long, and now I have a powerful craving. Might have to go to the store tomorrow...
DeleteOh, and fun fact - owls are kind of stupid when hit with bright lights. I almost killed a baby owl on my way home from my sister's house last night. It was standing in the middle of the lane. I had to slam on my brakes to not hit it, and it just stood there. I had to put my car in park and get out of my car before it flew off. I just knew I was going to end up getting destroyed by owl talons...
DeleteSo I may change my vote to ducks. But one of those ducks that is raised by humans and lives with chickens. That seems like a pretty laid-back life.
Maybe it just knew that you didn't dare harm it. Such is the power of the owl!
DeleteHeh - true that. Isn't it illegal to kill an owl? Or is that only certain types of owls?
DeleteI don't know, but probably. The owl lobby is powerful.