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5 Reasons Why Girls With Tattoos and Piercings Are Broken
[That title doesn't sound inflammatory or offensive at all! What am I so upset about?]
By Matt Forney [His page is linked above if you're interested]
No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There’s no man on Earth who has ever thought about his girlfriend or wife, “Man, you know what would make her even sexier? A butterfly emblazoned just over her ass.” [I think you underestimate your gender. It's kind of like rule 34, if a thing exists, there are guys out there who are attracted to it. I personally know several guys who actively find body mods appealing.] Yet despite this objective reality [I don't think you know what "objective" means...], thousands of girls continue to mutilate themselves at an astounding rate [Mutilate is a really inappropriate word to use here. There are people who do self-harm as a result of actual mental illness, and to equate that to body modification is insulting to all parties.], to the point where more girls now have tattoos than men. [As I mentioned above, I don't recommend clicking his links since each is more offensive than the last. That one talks about a "study" where 1000 people were surveyed and 59% of women interviewed had tattoos as opposed to 41% of men. No mention is made of the breakdown of the original 1000 into women and men - for all we know they interviewed 900 women and 100 men which could easily skew the data - nor is 1000 people anywhere close to a conclusive national sample. Why would it matter anyway? The same link did mention that women often take getting tattoed more seriously than men] Here are the reasons why you should shun these girls like they're lepers.
1. They're sluts
What kind of girl would be comfortable lying down half-naked in public for two hours while some fat dude with a dirty beard jams a sharp needle into her skin? [This guy seems to have no understanding of how tattooing actually works. Not surprising, given how much he seems to abhor them, but most people with half a brain could tell you that the majority of tattoos 1) don't require you to be "half-naked" 2) don't take place in public and 3) aren't done by fat dudes with dirty beards. Also, what do you have against needles being jammed into skin? You know that's how doctors deliver a significant portion of medicine, right? I've even gotten a shot from my doctor that required me to remove clothes so she could get to my hip. Based on your description of tattooing above, it seems you would find this behavior reprehensible.] Answer: the kind of girl who takes sharp objects in her vagina as a hobby. [I don't know what that link is supposed to tell us. It's a list of criteria men can use to determine if a girl is slutty enough to "bang" easily. In addition to being highly offensive by implying that girls who have sex early are bad while guys who do so are admirable, it has nothing to do with the point he's currently making about sharp object near vaginas.] Girls with tattoos and/or piercings (aside from earrings) [So some modifications to your body are ok, ladies, as long as you get permission from Forney first! We all know how important it is that we never do anything this one guy might personally find unattractive!] are slags who fall in and out of guys’ beds at a moment’s notice [Look at all the ways Forney knows to call you a whore, girls! Isn't that just amazing?]. If you’re unfortunate enough to commit to a girl with ink on her body or metal in her face, she’ll cheat on you at the drop of a hat. [Based on...? I'm guessing a bad breakup and no actual evidence.] Tattoos and piercings are the mark of the whore, which is why in more traditional countries like the Philippines, only whores have them. [More traditional than what? Tattoos and piercings have been around almost as long as people, so I'm not sure what tradition(s) you're referring to here.]
One of the first girls I ever banged was a self-styled “piercing addict.” She had multiple ear piercings, a stud in her nose, a tongue piercing, and both nipples pierced. While we were dating, she was also bragging about how she was going to get her clit pierced (oh lucky me). In the time that I knew her, she went on to bang two of my friends, as well as at least four other guys I knew, within a span of two months. She would later get busted by campus police for turning tricks on the side. [Oh look, I was right! He doesn't have a problem with body mods on girls, he has a problem with a specific girl. I'd be shocked to find out any of the accusations made here are true. My guess? She dumped him, he's bitter, and this is his outlet.]
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source Look at the lack of man, fat, beard, or dirt! It's almost like Forney is talking out of his ass! |
Even in our degenerate society, people with visible tattoos and piercings have difficulty getting jobs. [Again, what is this assessment based on? Forney appears to have no actual evidence to support anything he says other than his own opinion and very limited life experience. Yet he claims these things are "objective facts."]Not even minimum wage employers will hire them, because no one wants their Big Mac or Double Crappuccino served by an Apocalypto extra. [This is simply not true. More and more companies are realizing that body mods are here to stay and lifting bans on having them visible. I myself have worked in school systems and even hospitals - places where you historically find objections to such things - where mods were easily visible on a lot of the staff and no one cared.] Girls who get inked or pierced are showing that they can't be trusted to plan for the future. They don't care that their stupid choices will consign them to living off their parents for the rest of their lives: all they care about is their individuality. [Again, visible tattoos don't prevent you from getting a job anymore, so this objection is irrelevant. He also seems to be completely overlooking the wide variety of places you can put a tattoo that would NOT be visible in professional attire, which is what most people do. Piercings are harder to hide, but still can be with a little planning.]
Not only that, but girls with tattoos specifically have no idea that their cool designs will be destroyed by aging. Gravity and Father Time work their magic on us all, and your taut flesh will eventually sag and wrinkle like a raisin in the sun. A chick who can't comprehend that the awesome Narnia scene tattooed on her back will look like Technicolor vomit when she’s 40 is too dumb to be the mother of your children. [Oh boy. I don't think it's that "chicks can't comprehend" it so much as they don't care. First of all, if you take care of your skin and your tattoos - touch ups are a periodic necessity - then nothing will be sagging by 40. Once you hit your 70s, sure, tattoos will sag, but so will everything else so why would I care about that specific patch of skin? You really think that's going to be my biggest concern in old age? Additionally, unless you have some kind of traumatic accident that forces a doctor to completely rearrange the skin on your body, "technicolor vomit" is unlikely. You ever seen an old tattoo? The lines bleed a little and it sags as we've said, so it won't look fresh but it's still a distinguishable design, not a mash of color. Especially considering advancing technology. Finally, don't click that link. It's an "article" about how there is no such thing as female intelligence. Which for me, raises 2 interesting considerations. 1) If women CAN'T be intelligent anyway, how would getting body mods make her worse? 2) This guy is clearly just a woman-hater, which makes it difficult to take anything he says seriously. He points out the low number of women in STEM fields as evidence of their stupidity, instead of acknowledging the societal barriers in place that keep women out of such fields.]
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source Look at that technicolor vomit! Oh wait... That's not what it looks like at all! |
The reasons girls get tattoos and piercings—“I'm doing it for ME!”—are indicative of narcissism and mild psychopathy. [Seriously? So anytime someone does something for themselves it automatically translate to be narcissistic and/or mentally ill? I buy food "for me," I buy clothes "for me," I even get medical treatment "for me." That's called taking care of yourself, and yes, self-care does extend to non-necessities like body mods. Self-expression is an important part of self-esteem, which is something women have enough trouble with as is thanks to ridiculous, impossible portrayals of us in media. And again, PLEASE stop equating body mods to mental illness. Mental illness has enough stigma surrounding it. People with mental health problems deserve our support, not to be trivialized in some misogynistic rant.] Girls get tattoos for the same reasons they cut their hair short: a desperate attempt to assert how unique and special they are. [Yeah, again - I repeat myself a lot because this guy does too - self-expression is a good thing. Also, who cares why she does it? It's her body, not your property or your business.] A girl who willfully disfigures [not a disfigurement, that's your opinion, a lot of people find them visually pleasing] herself like this will never attempt to please you or do anything nice for you. She won't care for you when you're sick, will refuse to sleep with you for completely arbitrary reasons, and will generally be a moody, unlikable cunt. [SO MUCH STUPIDITY! Yet again, you seem to be basing this assessment on one bad, personal experience, not any actual evidence of a pattern. I know tons of tattooed wives who completely dote on their husbands. I myself am soon to be one of them. The presence of ink on my body has never prevented me from taking care of my man. And refusing to sleep with you is her right, regardless of her reasons. I'd also be interested to know what you consider "arbitrary" reasons, because I suspect most rational people would consider them perfectly reasonable. Of course, if sex is the only reason you're with someone, it's your right to leave them when sex is denied, but let's be honest, that relationship was always doomed. If you click on that link, you will find a story intended to demonstrate that people in a real, loving relationship take care of each other even when they don't really want to because they love each other. It's intended to shut down feminists, as though the movement somehow objects to a woman caring for her male partner during his time of need, as though doing so makes her subservient. In addition to that last point being complete horse-shit, that is not at all what the story portrays. The man hurts his ankle and his girlfriend cares for him even though it is inconvenient to her. That's all lovely, but in reading the story you also see that the man finds her detestable because of this. Her concern is annoying to him, not endearing. It's seems like he's contradicting himself, or at least implying that women should indeed be subservient, but men still won't be happy with them. It's still not good enough.]
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Some of my ink, I'll make a post about all of them later. |
Girls’ logic when it comes to tattoos is best described by paraphrasing Lena Dunham’s character in Girls: ”I have a tattoo, and that just makes me naturally interesting.” [I tried to find this quote because I was interested in how much he changed it in order to make it sound like it supported his point. The only thing I could find even partially resembling it was a quote from the same character: "You are from New York, therefore you are just naturally interesting." So, not even close to what he posted. Not even about the same topic.] Nothing could be further from the truth. My experience shows me that girls with ink and/or metal are the most boring, conformist chicks you'll ever come across. To be fair, most girls are dull as dirt, but tattooed and pierced girls are aggressively dull, assaulting you with the most hackneyed left-wing tripe you’ll ever hear. [See, I can't begin to take this guy seriously when he throws out generalizations like that. You literally think every female on the planet is dull? You either have very little life experience or seriously impaired judgment, probably both. Either way, it makes you thoroughly unreliable when it comes to judging anyone else's character. That link is for another of his "articles" advocating against sending females to college because they're too stupid to really get anything out of it and will only ending up regurgitating Karl Marx, as well as end up ruining the economy by joining the workforce. He also points out the prevalence of rape on college campuses and questions why anyone with sense would choose to put themselves in the path of such danger, rather than calling out colleges to eliminate the danger. Apparently rape is the price you must pay if you dare to educate yourself, and if you are stupid enough to put yourself in such a position you can't complain. He claims you must meet three conditions before going to college if you are a woman - major in something involving math, get into and Ivy League school, and make your parent's pay for it. This is in direct contradiction with earlier points that women are too stupid to be in STEM jobs and that living off of their parents is selfish and bad. It also displays a complete lack of understanding of the educational system - with few exceptions, no one gives a shit where you went to school - and our nation's employment needs.]
My “piercing addict” girlfriend, for example, identified as a Marxist (I shit you not) based on one class she took on Latin America and was constantly talking my ear off about some “injustice” or another. [Where is all this Marx stuff coming from? He's mentioned it in several other posts but I have 2 advanced degrees and have never talked about Marx during my time in college. The guy seems to have a hate-on for college education in general, and I guess throwing around Marx is his version of the boogie man - college makes you into a crazy Marxist!] The joke was that before she took that class, she was so tuned out to current events that she wasn't even registered to vote. [Wouldn't it then be a good thing that she became more socially conscious? Though you might not agree with her politics, wouldn't the fact that at least she's now paying attention to them be an improvement. Isn't that the point of education? To learn about the world? The class clearly opened her eyes and gave her a desire to make the world a better place. To me, that's a positive change.] I derived incredible pleasure from shoving my cock in her mouth to shut her up. [Another demonstration that this is really just a misogynist rant. It wasn't about her tattoos, it was about her daring to comment on matters that were men's domain in a way that you disagreed with. And, even more basically, it was about your sexual satisfaction. She was a receptacle for your penis, how dare she open her mouth for any other reason, right?]
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source Are we really going to pretend this woman is boring? |
This is the clincher. Any girl who thinks that a getting a ring in her nose or a Bible verse on her back is a good idea is going to be off her rocker. In my entire life, I have never met an inked or pierced girl who wasn't sick in the head, whether they had depression, “anxiety” or a full-blown personality disorder. [We've talked about this before, STOP ADDING TO THE STIGMA OF MENTAL ILLNESS! Body mods are not a diagnostic characteristic, as much as you might want them to be because then your treatment of these women would somehow be justified in your twisted brain. News flash! Such treatment is never justified Even if they were actually mentally ill, they deserve support and respect, not derision and dismissiveness. People with mental illnesses are still people, and mental health is just as important as physical. No one blames the guy who breaks his arm in an accident but someone suffering from depression is viewed with scorn. Grow up. Educate yourself instead of spewing ignorant hate. He links to an article about how women shouldn't have self-esteem because they haven't earned it as they contribute nothing to society at large - both a false statement and a false premise. He's confusing earning the respect of others with inner self-worth, hooray for willful ignorance! He also claims you're not really a woman if you're confident in yourself, because low self-esteem is what turns guys on. Because, of course, the only purpose of your existence as a woman is to serve the male sex. Finally, he claims that high self-esteem is a detriment to your mental health, that you don't actually even want it , and it's the reason "urban slut machines" take so much Prozac. Again, demonstrating his lack of understanding about what self-esteem actually is and ignoring the reality that those women probably take medication because of low self-esteem, not high and treating their condition as a punchline.] While girls with facial piercings and tattoos on the arms or legs can at least feign normality, chicks with piercings or tattoos on or near their erogenous zones (breasts, labia, ass) are the kinds of broads who will cut you with a knife. [Oh dear, has someone tried to cut you? If you really treat women they way you claim online, I can't say I'm surprised. And here again, ladies, you are allowed certain mods that have been pre-approved by our beneficent overlord!]
Going back to the “piercing addict,” she was a complete masochist who would burst into tears every time after we had sex, crying about how I wasn't banging her hard enough. Another girlfriend of mine who had a tramp stamp was a full-on borderline, starting fights for no reason to try provoke me into hitting and slapping her. She also casually referred to black people with the n-word in mixed company despite being a racial minority herself. Both girls were absolute maniacs in the sack—we're talking nails-digging-into-my-back kind of sex—but outside of the bedroom, they were one bad day from a complete breakdown. [If they were really this ill, you should have encouraged them to seek help. And for the umpteenth time, stop basing your assessment of all modified ladies on your bad experience with one or two - something I suspect had more to do with your shitty attitude than their body art.]
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source Maybe you should generalize based on physical appearance. Hmm... What a shocking concept! |
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Oh my goodness, all that misogyny and stupidity was exhausting to wade through, wasn't it! But you made it! The reality is, I strongly suspect. Mr. Forney has not has good experiences with women when it involved anything other than just sex. (Probably not even involving sex, since, as I said on Facebook, the only way he refers to having sex is using the word "bang" or "banging." You know, the same word used by 14 year old boys with no real knowledge of it because this word sounds rough while simultaneously getting them out of having to use the real word - SEX - because they're embarrassed by it and their ignorance of it.) This is likely due to his sense of entitlement to women's bodies and rampant misogyny. He's a little boy who was told a fairy tales about how if he did all the right things, girls would fall into his lap and onto his penis. When he didn't have much success getting them to stick around, rather than doing any soul-searching or real analysis of what might have gone wrong, he picked an arbitrary feature - say body mods - and loudly touted it as demonstration of the woman's obviously instability and how he never really liked her or wanted her anyway! This is him throwing a temper tantrum because girls won't do what he wants them to do, because they dare to have independent thought and motivation outside getting a piece of his dick. The GALL! Oh well, if his aversion to tattoos keeps him away from me and my friends, I'll let him simmer in his private pool of hate and ignorance. So much the better that I'll never have to deal with him in real life.
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