You guys, I'm the worst! I guess I got out of the habit of posting while on vacation so I totally spaced on writing yesterday. I wasn't even busy! So I'm making up for it by writing two posts today and post-dating one of them for yesterday so it looks like I was on top of my shit.
What's in the case? Aren't you curious? |
Fiance and I went to run a few errands after he got off yesterday and as a small treat for ourselves we rented
22 Jump Street from Redbox (obviously) because we've been wanting to see it forever. We also stopped by Arby's so we wouldn't have to cook after getting home so late. So late was about 8 pm. You can tell we're old, soon-to-be-married people. The movie was hilarious and constantly poked fun at itself and the ridiculous fact that they even made it. Definitely worth the $1.20.
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