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here, and comment with your answers! Also, feel free to ask me anything that I haven't covered, but check out the
list I'm working from first to make sure it won't be covered in the last 2 entries, forthcoming.
16. Rugrats or Doug?
Rugrats, easily. I think it was a more popular show generally, not just for me, because they had several movies. I know I watched
Doug, but I just don't remember it as well, and I certainly don't remember laughing as much at it.
Rugrats, because of those movies, lasted much longer as an interest in my life. And then they did the new series
All Grown Up as well. It wasn't as good, of course, but
Rugrats had legs that
Doug just didn't. Which is weird considering the popular one was about infants and the less popular about pre-teens/teens. Re-watching some episodes more recently, I now find both of them terrifying. They were like fever-dreams, or drug-induced hallucinations. What was wrong with us as kids that this stuff was entertaining?
17. Which house would you belong to in Game of Thrones? Like, very honestly?
Okay, I've taken multiple quizzes about this which could back me up, so I am officially declaring myself a Targaryen. It makes sense; powerful blonde little sister rises up to rule far across the ocean from her home? That's basically my life's story. Plus, I'm a dragon on the Chinese zodiac, my favorite character from Wheel of Time is The Dragon Reborn, and I own several dragon figurines.
18. If you got a (new) tattoo, what would it be of?
This is strongly related to the answer above: a dragon. In honor of my house, my sign, my hero, and my rebirth. I decided 3 years ago, after I got out of that
crappy relationship and got into grad school that I wanted a tattoo that represented my new found freedom, purpose, and self-possession. Lots of people choose birds or butterflies for that, and that makes sense. But I wanted something that, as I mentioned, meant more than just the freedom wings represent. Fire is a cleansing force that is commonly associated, in myth and story-telling of all kinds, with characters who come through a hardship stronger, sharper, and more refined. I can think of no better embodiment, then, of myself than a dragon. Bonus points, it completes my Wheel of Time torso - 3 other tattoos I currently have on my ribs in recognition of the other 2 main characters and the series as a whole.
That's not what it'll look like, but it gives you an idea. |
19. What would you like to eat for your last meal?
I'm going to say lobster. I know a lot of people go for comfort food or "Mom's famous" whatever, but man, I
love lobster.
Maine lobster specifically, none of this rock lobster crab. And I want as much of it in my life as possible. I'd request 2 or 3. Maybe, if I skip sides, I could even fit in 4. I think I'd also request that it be lumped for me, instead of digging it out myself. I normally enjoy cracking open the lobster shell and digging out the meat - it's part of the experience! You have to work for your food, you have to earn it. But if I'm dying/being executed, we can skip all that. Just bring on the meat! With lots of butter.
20. If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?
Easy! I decided this one a while ago:
My Fair Wedding with David Tutera. I love that guy and I'm planning a wedding, so it works out perfectly. Truth be told, his events are a usually little more extravagant that I really would like for myself (understatement alert!), but that are always beautiful. And if it's free, why not? Let's go all out! He does the fashion as well, and sometimes jewelry, so it'd definitely be nicer than I can afford, and super unique. Plus, as the final bonus, it's a one-off deal. I'm in one episode, shot over a 2 to 4 week period, and then it's done. So there's very little disruption to my life, possibly even less than planning a wedding on my own would be. Like it, love it, done.
Some episodes are on Netflix you want to see his work. |
A small sample of his work. |