Friday, August 1, 2014


In case you haven't heard from the internet already - or me as I've already both tweeted it and shared it in a Facebook status - it's CROATOAN DAY!

As Supernatural fans, aka the Supernatrual family, should remember, in episode 4 of season 5, Dean traveled to the future to see the fallout of his decision not to be Michael the archangel's vessel in order to fight Lucifer and "win" the apocalypse.

Was that confusing? Watch the show, because that's actually a super simplified version of events.

Anyway, as SN family members should also remember, he saw "Croatoan" written all over the place. This was a reference to a blood born virus created and introduced earlier in the series by Azazel when he was laying the ground work for Lucifer's rise to power. The virus makes infected humans incredibly violent and contributed to the downfall of future society.

The day Dean traveled to was today, August 1, 2014. We're all still here, apocalypse and virus free. Join the SN family (read: cult) and show your appreciation to the Winchester boys by writing CROATOAN on your arm today!

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