Wednesday, August 6, 2014

30 Before 30 - Original

  1. Get married. Maybe this seems a little… girly? Anti-feminist? But I know it’s something I want.
  2. Have a kid. Ok, I guess this seems obvious, but I really want to have a kid by the time I’m 30. It reduces all kinds of health risks for Mom and baby, and future babies. Plus, I just want kids, and I’d also like to have them young enough that I can enjoy my old age with them out of the house.
  3. Sell my crafts. I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on making stuff, and I definitely want to continue to improve. Specifically, I want to get good enough that I can sell some of my stuff online semi-regularly.
  4. Learn to sew. I don’t need to go pro or anything, but I’d love to be able to repair and even to some limited extent alter my own clothes. I’m tired of asking friends or parents to help me.
  5. Learn more about my car. Whatever car I currently own. Enough to diagnose, or make a reasonable guess at basic problems and follow along when talking to a mechanic.
  6. Own a newer car. Speaking of cars, I’d like to own something less than 10 years old. This is purely for my own vanity’s sake. I’m tired of the look and maintenance that accompany old cars.
  7. Stop renting. I want my own place, and for the next couple of years, I’m sure that’ll mean renting an apartment. BUT! By the time I’m 30, I want to at least be in the process of buying my own place.
  8. Get a pet (or pets). This one should be easy. I don’t want a house overrun with animals, but one cat and dog, I would love.
  9. Blog. I want to get back to it. I miss doing it, but before, it was such a source of negativity and stress for me. After I’m out of school and just a tad more settled in my life, I’d really like to start again and keep up with it.
  10. Keep a journal regularly. This may or may not differ from my blog, but I've tried tons of times before, and I really want to make the time to keep up with it.
  11. Write every day. I want, and always have, to be a writer. The only way I will ever be able to do this is if I make an effort to do it every day. This might be my blog, my journal, or something more creative, but it needs to be EVERY day.
  12. Finish a book. Writing one, that is. Jeez, a lot of these are about writing! I mentioned that’s what I wanted to do with my life, right? Anyway, I've started writing lots of books in my life, and I have broad strokes for many more. I’d like to take the time and actually get one done before 30. Even if it’s not good, just to complete it.
  13. Read the Bible. I never have, and this definitely needs to happen.
  14. Create art. I craft a lot, but none of it is what I would call art. Nothing I would display in my home. I want to take the time to explore this area, be it watercolor, clay, whatever. If it’s not for me, so be it, but I’ll try.
  15. Start a bonsai. I've had the materials but put off the work for this for years now. I WANT ONE. I must do it.
  16. Get close to someone. This is kind of basic, but it’s been a long standing problem with me. I don’t really connect well with people. I hold off for a long time, and today, I’d say there is only one person I’m close to. I don’t like that, and I want to change it. Not a lot of people necessarily, but I’d really love to put in the effort to develop a few really tight-knit friendships.
  17. Let go. Of a lot of things. My anger mostly. I hold on to a lot, and I really need to get rid of it. Plus just letting go in general. I have trouble relaxing and letting people in, which relates to the above. I protect myself constantly, and I don’t need to.
  18. Get my Associate’s Degree in ASL. This one is getting added to the list with no research having been done. I know and Associate’s usually takes 2 years, but I’ll be working. Plus, I don’t intend to start immediately next fall. I want a little time off from school. So this may end up getting completed post 30th birthday. I’ll rephrase and say I want to have started this process before then.
  19. Travel. Specifically I want to go back to Hawaii and travel to Japan. Somewhere international so I have an excuse to get a passport. I want to be a world traveler, but I’ll start small.
  20. Attend Comic Con/BlizzCon/cons in general. To express my nerdy side as well as just giving myself something to enjoy.
  21. Start taking violin/voice lessons. I've said violin here… And I do want to try that, but really, I’m open to any musical instrument. I just want to be able to play something. You guys, seriously. Seriously, you guys. I LOVE singing, but I am so embarrassed to ever try it in public. So I really want to learn how to do it passably well. Don’t have to be a professional, I just don’t want to scare people off. Basically, I just need to get more musical.
  22. Diet and exercise. I just want to approach my body in a healthy, happy way. I know I need to be more physically active than I have been, and I think I’d even enjoy it if I could get in the habit. And as far as diet, I don’t want to ever feel guilty about what I eat. I want to enjoy my food, but still be aware of what I’m eating. For instance, taking the time to prepare meals myself rather than splurging on fast food and greasy stuff all the time.
  23. Become a cook. I’m not bad at it now, but I’d love to get better and just more creative with what I make.
  24. Work as an SLP. This is probably a given at this point, but I feel like I should get a little credit for finishing my masters and getting a grown up job.
  25. Pay off student loans. I think this one will take me right up to the wire, but I’m confident I can pay it off by the time I’m 30.
  26. Take Dave Ramsey’s financial peace course. And put it into action. For obvious reasons.
  27. Tattoos! This is a fun one, I want my sleeve and/or my dragon to be done by then. Possibly both, but that will mostly depend on my employment situation.
  28. Gaming. I’d LOVE to play more video games, and specifically, actually beat a few. I think I’ve got 2 games beaten to date. Gotta beef up those numbers.
  29. Learn how to style myself. For reals, yo. I need to learn how to do something with my hair/make-up/clothes. I’m about to be an adult with an adult job, and I need to learn something about the look. I can get away with no make-up now, but not forever. And I want more versatility with my hair besides wash and hope. I need to learn some things I can do with all this.
  30. Cut my hair. I’m keeping it long for now, but I've ALWAYS wanted to try a pixie cut. So, I think by the time I’m 30, I’ll be ready to take that plunge.

Obviously, I"m not yet, but it's on topic.

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