Saturday, August 30, 2014

Black Coffee

This picture makes me Smile for oh-so-many reasons. First, it's my awesome panda mug, a gift from my brother this past Christmas. Second, It's a lovely day outside with a big green yard in which dogs can (and do) play. Third and finally, as the title indicates, it's black coffee.

The cup originally came with a cute panda spoon too, but I broke it :( Sad panda!
Allow me to explain! I love coffee like I love scary movies and spicy food: the idea is really appealing but I don't tolerate the actual product well. I prefer my coffee with cream and sweetener (not sugar!) and a lot of it! Whipped cream? Certainly, my good sir! However, this habit of adding to my coffee can be expensive when totaled over the course of a year, and it's more time consuming to prepare in the mornings. I don't want to give up coffee, because they keep putting out new studies talking about how good it might be for you. So I decided to slowly wean myself off of my add-ins by reducing the amount I used each day. I'm pleased to say that today I am drinking it black. And I actually do kind of like it! It helps that I have good quality coffee. I'll keep doing black coffee for the next several days/weeks until I'm totally down with it. At that point, I may or may not go back to occasional add-ins, but I want to at least be able to drink it straight.

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