Friday, August 29, 2014


Good news, everyone! I've got an interview soon for a job at a place! That's as specific as I'd like to be at this juncture so as not to jinx it, and also to protect myself from real life repercussions related to posted about my job online in the event I'm hired. Still, I'm pretty excited! I'm sure you'll all read about the horror show that was my Monday, so this is a much needed pick-me-up. Hopefully, although I know this one is more specific to me personally than usual, it will brighten your day as well. 

The world is good! Things work out! Hold on to hope! You can do it; don't give up!

But for real, I get how frustrating it is when you are pouring out all of your effort and hope and it just doesn't seem to be working. That's pretty much the exact situation I'm currently in. But try to Smile anyway. It'll make you feel a little better, and little more positive. And have faith that you will prevail, even if not necessarily in the way you originally thought.  Happy Friday, loves!

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