Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Taking Care of Business

You may have noticed that I've now promised to update every other weekday. You guys, I swear, I'll try really hard. And so far this week, I've been on top of it! This is actually the second post for today! Which brings me to my main point. I may update even more often than pledged at the top of the page, especially while unemployed and job hunting. Got to kill time somehow! I just wanted to give loyal readers an idea of when to check for updates.

Other pieces of general information for my readers:

If you're new to my world, and especially studious and interested, I'd really recommend you check out my old blog to find out more about me. I posted there for a couple of years before my issues made it a problem and I just needed to stop, take some time off, and start fresh in a new place (here). I may link to posts there as they relate to whatever my current topic is, or port some in, so if you don't want to do all that extra reading, stick around and you'll likely get the key bits of info anyway.

The Abuse series I started will continue. Sorry if I threw anyone off by starting a new topic the next time I posted. I plan to sprinkle my Abuse posts intermittently between other topics so we don't get too bogged down by such a heavy topic. I will link the various parts together at the end each post in the series as I publish them. I'm only planning on about 4 right now, but I had a lot of thoughts tangentially related to the topic that I wanted to share and it was definitely too much for a single post.

I mentioned in my earlier post about the fact that I'm not passionate about the field in which I work. I want to clarify that I do like my job and find it fulfilling. Nor did I give up some long held dream to pursue this instead. I've just never been the person whose dreams are associated with their work. It is a means to an end for me. But again, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I am planning a future post to explain a little more about what I do for those who are interested. I will talk about my field in general terms, but never my specific job, nor should you, internet user! That's the kind of stuff that gets you fired.

And yes, I am engaged, so unfortunately if anyone reading is uninterested in wedding talk, you'll have to slog through it. I don't really plan on posting about wedding stuff specifically, but it's going to be a pretty big part of my life for the next year, so it might come up from time to time.

Finally, since I've bragged about how much cuter my dog is that all your pets, here is proof!

Image via and personal.

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