I've got to ease myself back into this business, and it's been a while, so I figured we could all benefit from a quick check-in about the state of our lives. Well, mine anyway since it's my post. Feel free to leave any interesting personal tidbits in the comments though!
Let's see, I've already confessed to getting
married several months ago, and months before I told anyone - Hooray for secret romance! Not really, secret romance is dumb, but secret wedding is less dumb because money.
Our attempt at taking a picture with the dog. Moose is a mess, but it is too cute for us to care! |
I also told you all that I finally
found a job. Let me fill you in on that a little - but not too much because I would like to keep said job. Basically, I freaking love it. I'll be honest, I'm getting paid WAY less than I should be, but I'm working on fixing that. And while I'm practical enough to want more money, I'm also practical enough to take a pay rate hit if it means a better working environment. It's a small operation that is super laid back so I'm sort of left to my own devices and best judgement, which is awesome. At the same time, being as relatively small as it is, I don't have high stress about meeting productivity requirements or any other kind of bureaucratic nonsense. My boss is also my CF supervisor* and the owner of the business, so she's right there anytime I need her and is insanely sweet and helpful. It's a pretty awesome setup. If only we could lift the practice and drop it in Nashville, it'd be perfect.
It's my office! And this is probably as much as you'll ever see of my work. |
The reason the location is less than perfect - other than just personal preference - is that Husband already has a job in the Nashville area. It doesn't make sense for us to trade one income for another, so currently we are back doing the long distance jazz until and unless he can find something here. When we talked about all this, we told ourselves we could pull off long distance because we'd done it before, for 2.5 years! And this time it would actually be easier. My schedule would be more normal so I could visit him more often and if he came to visit me I'd actually be around. Plus it wouldn't be for as long, just until he found something in the same area. It's been 2 months and this is killing me. Having finally been able to live together after all that time apart spoiled me, plus now he's my husband not just my boyfriend, and I really need him around or I feel a little lost. He's my anchor and right now I'm drifting.
It snowed! In TN! Also a story for another day |
Husband came for a nice long visit this past week because I got us tickets to Lion King for V-day - it was amazing but I'll tell that story another time - and even in that brief reunion I could tell what a difference it makes in me to have him near. I'm more positive and upbeat and just generally a better person. So yeah, this sucks. But we'll make it, and it will be even more amazing because we'll finally have our own place instead of sharing with parents! Husband's family has a home in our area that they own outright and are willing to let us use. It's the cutest little house, but even if it wasn't, it's essentially free and it's ours so I doubt I'd care. I'm so excited!
A very bad photo of us at Lion King |
You guys, I know it's only been a couple of months since I stopped regular posting, but I feel like the world has vastly changed. Not least among these changes is the incredibly devastating loss of Leonard Nimoy who, much as I love Quinto, will always be the real Mr. Spock. In addition to his outstanding work in Star Trek and many other features, Mr. Nimoy was also an outspoken
feminist. It breaks my heart to know he is gone. As when we lost
Robin Williams, the world feels a darker place without him.
source "I have always been, and always shall be, your friend." How will the world survive without him? |
That's all for now, my dears, but much more to come in the future! If you have any specific questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back to you. And as I said above, I'd love to hear how your lives are going as well, so start with those comments!
*If you have any questions about some of the SLP-related jargon I used, please feel free to ask and I'll gladly explain. I've left it out for now to maintain brevity - as much as I ever have - and because I assume most people who aren't SLPs find it boring. See you soon, lovelies!
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