Tuesday, March 10, 2015


As you may recall, I am a Starbucks gold member, so I'm super special and important. In order to feed my addiction/maintain my membership, I hit up a Bucks about once a week. Then, not too long ago, I came across this Upworthy post that showcased how little consideration we give the waste generated by this habit. You take your coffee to-go in one of those lovely special to-go cups because we're busy people on our way somewhere. But those insulated Starbucks cups aren't recyclable (though the sleeves are, so try to recycle them!) and we create a lot of trash that way. Even if you drink in the store, some coffee shops - including Starbucks - use the same disposable cups. 

I don't know why that information struck me so profoundly, but it did. So I decided to start bringing my own mug, as the Upworthy post suggested. I opted for the Starbucks brand of travel mug because it saves you 10 cents on your drink, so why not? And TADA! Here it is!

Had trouble getting a decent photo
I actually wanted a bronze one without the little clippy handle - what, like I'm going to clip it to a backpack and take hot coffee on my hike with me? - but I couldn't find one in store and I am NOT paying the shipping on that. So silver it is. I used the cup this morning and felt like I was saving the world. It'll take a lot more than just this or just me, obviously, but it's nice to feel like I'm making a (small) difference.

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