Thursday, September 4, 2014


This post comes a bit late courtesy of my femi-rage at people I know still victim-shaming the celebrities targeted in the iCloud hack. I've... discussed the issue with them, taken a few deep breaths, and walked away. Given that topic, today seemed like the right day to share my ass with all you lovely people.

Yep, that's me!
The photo is really about the pants. They are new pants, they fit super well, and they look pretty good too! Right? I've been needing more pants for a while now as most of my jeans are so threadbare they're translucent, and I was excited to find these on clearance, Hooray!

See how it's okay for me to post an image of my body because doing so was my decision, and not the decision of some creepy stranger who stole it? That's called consent my lovelies. It's pretty basic.

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